I Am Loved, is written by Kevin Qamaniq-Mason who grew up in Iglulik and is a senior policy advisor at Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and Mary Qamaniq-Mason. This book is translated into French by Serge Bélair. I Am Loved is illustrated by Hwei Lim. In this book Pakak is in a new foster home, with new people, new food, and new smells. Feeling alone and uncertain, Pakak finds comfort in a secret shared with him by his anaanattiaq, his grandmother, and in the knowledge that he is loved no matter how far away his family may be. Written as a gift for Inuit children in care by foster parents Kevin and Mary Qamaniq-Mason, this book is lovingly imbued with cultural familiarities that will resonate with children who, like Pakak, are navigating the unknown.